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The Fruit Trees of Chitvan :-

Flora of Kanha National Park of Kanha holds another life of the entire park. Furthermore, if you are an enthusiast about the flora and the real nature of wildlife, check out this page.

Common name Botanical name
Bel Aegle Marmelos
Sitaphal Annona Squamosa
Kathal Atrocarpus Heterophyllus
Anola Emblica Officinalis
Anjir Emblica Officinalis

Medicinal Trees in Kanha National Park :-

Common name Botanical name
Neem Azadirachta Indica
Amaltas Cassia Fistula
Odmass Tree Eucalyptus Citroodora
Anjir Ficus Carica
Mahua Madhuca Indica
Babul Cassia Arbica

Common Trees in Kanha National Park :-

Common name Botanical name
Sinduri Cicca Acida
Bottle Brush Callistemon Citrinus
Shisam Tree Erythrina Indica
Pakhad Ficus Rumphi

Shrubs Found in Kanha National Park

Common name Botanical name
Bans (Green) Glycomsims pentaphylla
Tulsi Ocinum Sanctum
Chandani Tabernaemontana divaricate
Golden Duranta Duranta repens
Kuplia(Red) Plumeria rubra

Herbs Found in Kanha National Park :-

Common name Botanical name
Lemon Grass Cymbopogon Flexuosus
Pudina Mentha Viridis
Adrak Zingiber Officinalis
Dhania Coriandrm Sativum
Haldi Berberris Aristata

Common Trees Found in Kanha National Park

Common name Botanical name
Sinduri Bixa orellana
Harfaruri Cicca Acida
Bottle Brush Callistemon Citrinus
Shisam Dabergia Sisso
Pangara Erythrina Indica
Pakhad Ficus Rumphi